
Well! One of the brilliant things about last year is that I did a bit of songwriting with the fabulous Katy Bennett. Here’s one of our songs – as sung at Voice Camp and Growing Harmony at Wiston Lodge 2023. If anyone out there has a good recording of it being sung at either of those events I’d love to put it up here – just send it over to

Hopefully there’ll be more songs by Katy and me getting uploaded here. Keep your ears peeled!


Poignant and anthemic!


Chorus, V1, Chorus, V2, Chorus structure
SATB – probably not for beginners to harmony singing

Text Source

Alison Burns, Katy Bennett, Quin


Chorus: Let me be your anchor, let me be your home
The place you return to when you’re just too tired to road
Let me be your anchor, let me be the one
And I will hold your heart, till all the singing’s done

What’s included?

pdf of score, mp3 recording of whole song, mp3 separate parts


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