Fringford Brook

Violet Jacob (1 September 1863 – 9 September 1946) was a Scottish writer, now best known for her historical novel  Flemington and for her poetry, mainly in Scots. This text is taken from her poem Fringford Brook from her collection More Songs of Angus published in November 1918. Violet Jacob’s son was killed in WW1 and many of her poems refer to the war and encompass themes of loss and domestic and rural change along with observations of the natural world. Fringford is a village near Oxford where Violet Jacob lived for a while.



War memorial


4 verses with 2 refrains – a simple one after v1 and 2 and a more complex one for V 3 and 4. You could use either refrain all the way through however

Text Source

Violet Jacob


All peace is here. Beyond our range
Yet ‘neath the self same sky
The boys that knew these fields of home
By Flemmish willows lie            
Long drowning tresses of the weeds trail where the stream is slow
The vapoured mauves of water mint melt in the pools below

What’s included?

pdf of background notes and teaching ideas, pdf of score, mp3 whole song – midi file of piano, mp3 separate parts – midi file of piano


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