He Passed Over

‘So he passed over, and all the trumpets sounded for him on the other side.’ When my Father, David Grieve Burns, died on 30th December in 2004 we used this quotation from The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan on the order of service at his funeral. A few years later I made this setting of the words in his memory. The book had always been part of his life and faith and the words are perfect for him.

Feel free to change the ‘he’ pro-noun to suit the occasion.




S,A,T,B with an A B structure. A simplified 2 or 3 part version can be made as outlined in the teaching notes.

Text Source

John Bunyan, The Pilgrim’s Progress


When he passed over, when he passed over
All the trumpets sounded, sounded on the other side

What’s included?

pdf of background notes and teaching ideas, pdf of score, mp3 recording of whole song, mp3 separate parts


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