And Still We Rise / Arm in Arm
You get three songs for the price of one with this song! It is essentially a mash up of 2 connected songs that can be sung together or separately or used alternately making a verse/chorus structure. It was performed as one big anthem by the massed choir of hundreds at the Brighton Street Choir Festival in 2018.
I’ve made it into 5 scores to demonstrate how it could be used.
Score 1 takes the words Arm in arm (see lyrics) which could be taught as a rousing solidarity song. It’s fairly simple and could be taught in one session. Alongside that I’ve added the tenor text Not by one (see lyrics) to give it texture and more depth of meaning.
Score 2 has the words And still we stand (see lyrics). There are 2 verses and it works beautifully as a 4, 3 or 2 part arrangement. As in score 1 I’ve added in the tenor text to augment the arrangement if necessary.
Score 3 Combines 1 and 2 to make a big choir anthem with verses and chorus.
Score 4 has all the parts on one score so you can see at a glance how they all fit together.
Score 5 is a partner song of 3 parts each with different words
Uplifting and anthemic
Score 1 4 part harmony SATB to Arm in Arm words and added rhythm part which could be sung by soprano or tenor
Score 2 4 part harmony SATB to And Still We Stand words and added rhythm part which could be sung by soprano or tenor
Score 3 Full arrangement of song for SATB choir.
Score 4 All parts in one score
Score 5 3 part partner song using all 3 sets of words.
Text Source
Alison Burns
And still we stand, and still we speak our truth
And with these hands
We’re gonna break down this old roof
So we can rise
And paint a brand new sky
We’re gathering voices
And still we rise
Not by one do we run not by one do we stand
not by one do we carry not by one do we plan
not by one do we fly not by one do we land
not by one by one
Not by one do we shine not by one do we sing
not by one do we finish not by one do we begin
not by one do we climb not by one do we win
not by one by one
Arm in arm and hand in hand
one by one we take our stand
heart by heart and land by land
still we rise
What’s included?
pdf of score, mp3 whole song – midi file of piano, mp3 separate parts – midi file of piano