Can’t Eat Money
Only after the last tree has been cut down, after the last river has been poisoned, after the last fish has been caught: Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten. Cree Indian Proverb
I first wrote a version of this as part of a song cycle for Forres (near Inverness) Transistion Town. This re-written cyclical version gets everyone singing quickly and I love the way the meaning of the text deepens as different parts are added and come to the fore. The recording here is a little slow but the song is great sung a bit faster and with loads of energy too.
Driving, poignant
A and B section. In the A section each line has a different text in the B section all parts come together on one set of lyrics
Remember, remember this
Remember, remember this
Oh you can’t eat money and you can’t eat cash
When the last bird is silent and the last river is dry
And icebergs have melted to the sea
And light has wasted the dark night sky
What’s included?
pdf of background notes and teaching ideas, pdf of score, mp3 whole song – midi file of piano, mp3 separate parts – midi file of piano